Meet Twinkles!

Twinks has come in on the latest Nor’easter”– everyone is so excited to see her! Big party tonight at the Knowledge Café!  Izabella is excited to be the host, and everyone plans to be there. Good times abound!!!

Twinkles comes to town!
Twinkles comes to town!

Twinkles – Goddess of the Shimmering Snow (a.k.a Twinks) is a true snowbird. She comes IN with winter weather – especially the snow. She cares about the cleanliness of the snowfall. Toxins in the atmosphere, which make for “dirty snow” are not so obvious to us WoMes, but the Botanicals are very sensitive to them and they are worried. The Botanicals understand that the snow eventually melts and it’s nourishment for the emerging spring plants. Many of those plants grow into food for the community.  Twinkles glides in on winter storms and spreads “glimmers” that clean up toxins.  Notice the glimmers on her skirt? (click on image for a larger version)

(Snow, Ice, Winter Fern)